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MOTIVATE + PERFECTLY ME Blue Apatite and Amazonite Eye of Protection 14k Gold-Filled Bracelet

MOTIVATE + PERFECTLY ME Blue Apatite and Amazonite Eye of Protection 14k Gold-Filled Bracelet

Infused with High Vibes

Regular price $88.00 CAD
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Awaken dormant talents to explore new possibilities that lead you towards achieving your dreams.  Be fearlessly authentic and live a life being true to who you really are. Define yourself. Love every part of yourself, and choose to let your true self be seen. Do not waiver in the face of mediocrity and conformity. Bravely be you because you are perfect just the way you are.


Blue Apatite :: Motivate + Self Acceptance + Creativity + Psychic Abilities + Weight Loss

Blue Apatite has the special ability to wake up your dormant talents. It motivates you to explore new possibilities. It reminds you of what you truly in life and gives you the confidence to move straight towards your dreams. When using blue apatite, you may become highly conscious of your own behaviour, especially those that run counter to your stated goals. This may be uncomfortable at first, but it is actually a highly critical step towards changing yourself in a positive way. It helps you see yourself for who you truly are and accept yourself regardless of the quirks and flaws. It helps you accept yourself as you are, to see the truth within yourself because until you really can see the authentic you, change cannot happen. It is one of the best stones for learning to accept past mistakes and failures as part of yourself and then let their emotional weight fade away, with the principle “next time, I can do better.” It helps you let go of past mistakes you’ ’re carrying around with you, just waiting to drop in and disrupt your life. It also helps you find that delicate balance between following your dreams and the daily responsibilities of adulthood. Blue apatite is one of the world’s best stones for enhancing and promoting creativity. It inspires self-expression. And creativity isn’t just for artists: everyone can use a dose of creative, innovative thinking to succeed in almost anything.

Blue Apatite will stimulate the growth of the gift of clairvoyance or psychic visions and encourages you to be of service in a more humanitarian way. It is also an excellent stone to assist in weight loss. , It raises the metabolic rate and acts as an appetite suppressant.


Amazonite :: Authenticity + Love + Communication

Known as the stone of truth and courage, Amazonite empowers you to go on a journey of self-discovery so that you can embrace your own integrity and truths. It gives you the confidence to shrug off the fear of judgment from others. You realize that you do not need external approval to feel good about yourself. Instead, you live according to your own values and beliefs. Amazonite helps you feel most connected to yourself so you can better understand yourself. It also ensures your senses are in tune with your surroundings and that you are aware of your impact on the people in your life and the rest of the world. It helps you to speak your highest truth and lets your thoughts and feelings shine through even as you speak about delicate subjects. This stone emboldens you to go after your dreams and to keep trying until they come true. It’s truly a strong and empowering guide in your life.

Amazonite enhances loving communication as it keeps overly-emotional feelings and irrational thoughts in check. You’ll find yourself expressing your heartfelt emotions with more freedom and confidence, even in a non-verbal manner -- just one look, one gesture, one smile and they will know right away what you are trying to tell them. Amazonite is a soothing stone and can ease feelings of aggravation such as anger, jealousy and resentment. Time heals all wounds. But with amazonite, it can heal faster.

Amazonite also inspires you to embrace and believe in love, especially self-love. No one else can fill that void inside you; not even the person you love the most. Only you can decide on your happiness and make it happen. When you learn to appreciate yourself more, you will also learn to appreciate other people in your life. Amazonite helps you find comfort and happiness in your relationships.

Remotely Infused with High Vibes: Our crystals are cleansed and energized for you with high vibes remotely and on a regular basis to bring you the maximum healing benefits.


More Details

Chakra activation :: solar plexus, heart, throat, crown, third eye
Affirmation :: My talents are awakened and I’m on my way to achieving my dreams. I embrace my authentic and perfect self. I communicate truthfully and lovingly. I allow my true inner self to shine through.


Product Info

Real 14k Gold-Filled Precious Metals:: This crystal jewelry is made with gold-filled precious metal which is more durable than gold-plated. Gold-filled jewelry has 100x more gold alloy and can stand up to wear and tear because a thick layer of gold is bonded to the base metal instead of just a layer on top. With basic care it wears like just gold and will not tarnish.

Made with genuine 6mm Blue Apatite and Amazonite crystals with 14k Gold-Filled precious metal accents and strung on a stretch cord. As it is made from natural crystals there will be naturally occurring variations and imperfections.

Handmade with Love in Canada.

Handmade with Love in Canada. 

Size Guide

SMALL - fits 13-16 cm wrists
MEDIUM -fits 16-19 cm wrist
LARGE- fits 19-21 cm wrist

*If you are unsure of the right size for you, simply measure around your wrist with a piece of string, mark it and lay beside a ruler.

Care Guide

In order to sustain its magic, cleanse + energize + program regularly. We recommend using our selenite bowls or Sacred Palo Santo for cleansing.
Please avoid chemical solutions, perfumes, excessive sweat, ocean water and swimming water. Salt water and chlorine can damage your gold-filled accents.

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